Thursday, September 22, 2011

Clients from Hell

The website Clients from Hell has me cracking up.  In my work, I sometimes feel like it's a constant battle of good design vs. horrible, terrible, no good, very bad, awful design.  The effort to push creative, great design can be exhausting and frustrating.  But, as I read through the hilarious scenarios on Clients from Hell, I feel comfort in knowing I'm not alone in the war on suck-y design + ridiculous clients.

A few of my favorite quotes...

"Could you please send me a different file— one that is not a… what’s it called…jpg? I spent the last two hours trying to copy the text from this thing, and it is driving me crazy!"

"I’ve printed out the pages of the website, and both my wife and I agree that it needs to be a higher resolution."

"I love this font. I just don’t like how this particular word appears. Can you change the font for only that word?"

"Let’s make it pop better – maybe “darker” white or “lighter” black, somewhere in-between the two. Do they have a name for that?"

"I love this font. I just don’t like how this particular word appears. Can you change the font for only that word?"

Client: I don’t like the colors.
Me: What color would you like?
Client: How should I know, I’m colorblind. 

Comic via Filly Sunnies

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