Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey plans

Although this is not our feathered friend of the season, I thought this photo was simply lovely.  

How you  today?  I hope you are gearing up for a wonderful Thanksgiving feast this week.  I was telling my friend about our family's Cranberry Freeze recipe and became so giddy with excitement that I'm not sure I can wait a whole day to eat it.  It is so good.

I will say though, that every Thanksgiving I experience a strange phenomenon:  I usually spend the day cooking greatness with my mom and, by the time I sit down for Thanksgiving dinner, I'm not hungry!  And no, it can't be explained by my eating throughout the day.  Because I've made a conscious effort to not snack while preparing Thanksgiving goodness and my hunger strike still hits.

Don't worry though, it usually wears off 2-4 hours after the Thanksgiving meal.  With me around you won't have very many leftovers.  That's when I usually pig out.

Have a fantastic Tuesday.  Tomorrow I'll be posting a few family recipes and our Thanksgiving place settings! Can't wait!



  1. yes! awalt family recipes! I will be waiting in anticipation!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. christina! sorry i didn't get the recipes up yesterday! i posted a few today. hope you have a happy, happy thanksgiving! xoxo!


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